Sunday, February 14, 2010

Essential Questions plus Some Interesting Sites on the Subject

Hey guys...I misunderstood this assignment and am in the process of repair...bear with me. The links are pretty cool though. I'll put up the correct info then make another blog with the resources I found. Thanks

Here is my list of essential questions. Some are more essential than others and I cited the websites where I got the ones I did not write myself.

What is an essential question?

Why are essential questions important in the classroom?


What is problem solving to you?

How can problem solving be taught to you?

Why is it important to stop deforestation?

What would it take to get all of America to recycle plastic bottles every day?

What is the role of the tech teacher in an elementary or middle school?

What role does technology play in the history of a people?

What is the role of the specials classes in elementary or middle school?

What are the essential steps needed to attain a teaching position in an elementary school?

What does it mean to be alive?

What does it mean to be part of a team?

Why is it important to support family members when they won’t support themselves?


How is "understanding" different than "knowing"?


In today’s world of women’s equality would the “women and children first” rule of a sinking boat be valid? Why?


In what ways are animals human, and in what way are humans animals?


What traits make someone a good friend?

Why do rules have to be followed?

What is the best way to balance the need for resource development with protection of the environment?

What is the price of progress?

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Why is art necessary?


If answers to essential questions cannot be found, why bother to ask them?


Interesting links I found on the subject

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