Saturday, February 27, 2010

Concept Map

While creating this concept map I had to think hard about what was most important to include. There is so much and what do I choose and how detailed do I get? I decided to start with the syllabus and then go with what I found most helpful to me. Every item I included made me think of another important piece of this big puzzle. It just kept getting bigger so I finally stopped and started thinking how all of this was connected to everything else and the mini unit I implemented.

The problem solving steps combined with Craig’s lesson plan template were very helpful in coming up with the mini unit. I kept seeing connections between Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, model types, critical thinking skills and the assessments information in Barell. I kept thinking about certain students and how all of this could be applied to help them have a rich learning experience.

I created a concept map with my second graders and we talked about what they wanted to accomplish and how they thought they could make it happen. They ended up making a physical model and then “Got Graphic” by drawing what tools they thought might work and what those tools could do. We then created a second map for assessment purposes. They had a great time and I learned a lot about how second graders think and learn.

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