Monday, March 15, 2010

Reflection about Paper

I made a stab at modeling the use of paper from its invention to its current high level of consumption and how to recycle said consumption. When I started the research I became quickly overwhelmed with information. The more I searched the more interesting it became…and bigger and bigger. I learned about de-inking paper, what types of paper could be recycled and where a lot of the sources for paper come from. I also learned about the effect on the environment and what some other countries are doing about it.

Chart of De-inking Paper

Let’s back up a minute… the history of paper and paper making was very interesting. I didn’t really think about cavemen men drawing on the walls as a way of communication. Unfortunately you can’t take a wall with you when you move. I found it fascinating to learn about Ts’ai Lun (the inventor of paper) and the journey of paper from China to other Asian countries, from there to Arabia and Europe, then finally to the new world.

I created a map of ideas about what I wanted to learn and include in my presentation. I thought it might clarify what I wanted to do with the model.

I then set about creating the presentation and the model. I feel they are a representation of each other. The presentation is finished but I still want to work more on the model. It needs more…..depth. I have included the problem and the current information about paper usage especially in the US. I’ve been working on the factors and changes that could be, given certain variables. I’ve created a flow chart with plans to include what might happen if we do not change our consumption habits, what we need to do to improve the situation and what might be idea situations in collaboration with the rest of the world.

The whole process has been frustrating, painful, fascinating, intriguing and many other descriptive epithets. I’ve learned a ton about paper, recycling and the bad habits of humans. I’m sure I’ll learn even more as I add to my model.

Model in Progress

Great recycling information

Great recycling information

Paper stats

What if we do nothing

Ideas on how to be eco friendly

Future of paper info

Future of paper study

1 comment:

  1. After my presentation I thought a lot about Craig's comments and the other presentations I saw. The approach I took could have been expanded. It would be very interesting to look up stats for paper use, recycling and deforestation from the major countries involved. I could compare how Europe, China, USA, and others deal with this issue. Given the difference that would have made in my presentation I could have used Excel for the comparison and the Model. I may pursue this further if I get a job that allows me to do so. I would like to learn more about how to use Excel like Jen did...She is very inspiring.
